Being Still

This verse is such a conundrum for me. I see it, and immediately feel the Holy Spirit’s tug on my heart that this is what I was created to do.
So simple right?
Be still.
Know that God is God (duh).
So then why do I keep finding myself going, going, list-checking, going….from the 3rd time my alarm goes off in the morning until I crash back on my pillow at night?
And why do I (so similar to my kids when they drive me crazy) keep thinking that I make the rules?
I keep running and striving on the path I’ve chosen until I just can’t anymore…finally to collapse in exhaustion at the feet of my Savior….saying, “Jesus, why does this life have to be so hard?”
And he says…it doesn’t.
Be still.
Know that God is God and you are not.
Have a blessed weekend, friends. Take time to be still, and take comfort in knowing that HE is God.