Foster Care Adoption – Process and Purpose
It’s getting real. Finally some forward progress on adoption. We found a 14-year-old girl, Cheyenne, on the Heart Gallery who seems like she could be a fit for our family. Watching her video truly touched our hearts. So, we attempted to express interest and were told that our agency had to submit our approved home study.
It’s No Secret that the Foster/Adoption System is Broken

Three weeks later, our home study was submitted. We’re learning more and more that the foster and adoption system is drowning in the tyranny of the urgent. If you were faced with a choice between finding beds for a sibling group of 3 who just came into care last night or submitting a home study because a family is interested in adopting a teenager who’s been in care for years, which would YOU choose? Could you?
At any rate, if you get the chance, love on the people who are doing their best to do the best they can for the kids who are in this system through no fault of their own.
Every Child Available for Adoption Has a Powerful Story
But…I digress. I was driving to work this morning, thinking about Cheyenne.
Wondering if she might be our next child.
Feeling anxious about whether I’m a strong enough mom to be a good parent to her.
Stopping myself and remembering that with God’s power, I’m capable of whatever he’s calling me to be.
Wondering what’s been happening in her life in the three weeks it’s taken just to get our home study submitted.
Praying for her safety, peace, and hope.
All this while Bethel Music, “No Longer Slaves” is playing on my radio.
I start to panic again…
Seriously…what HAS been happening to this child for the past three weeks?
Can I really do this?
Is she even the one?
Maybe she’s not.
Maybe God has just led us down this path for some other reason than actually really adopting a child.
Maybe it was just to learn all the things He needed us to learn to keep Princess Milkface safe when she was sexually abused.
Because I really don’t think I can do this…
With God’s Help, We Can Make a Difference for a Child in Foster Care
I stop the swirl in my head long enough to hear the music again…
You split the sea so I could walk right through it.
You drowned my fears in perfect love.
You rescued me so I could stand and sing.
I am a child of God.
I’m no longer a slave to fear.
I am a child of God.

I burst out in tears of humble gratefulness. If Cheyenne, or any other child, can come to know Jesus and sing this song with power and conviction, what better purpose could I have?
God, please watch over Cheyenne, and all children currently displaced from their homes. Give them the peace and hope that only you can offer. If they don’t know you yet, please give others the opportunity to share your good news. I know from your word that it is our calling to care for orphans. Please give me the courage and the strength to step out in faith to answer that calling, and give me the wisdom to discern your path for me. God, please also give direction for those who manage the care for these children who had to be separated from their families. Help them to be reminded of the difference they are making in this world and encourage them. I ask all of this in Jesus’ name. Amen.