Happy Father’s Day, Honyay
Happy Father’s Day Weekend to my Honyay…
…the Dad who loved Captain Starburst enough to set very high standards for how I, as stepmom, would engage and support him, not as a mom but as a Sharapu who would always love him and be there for him. I’m so inspired by watching you continue to be Dad, but in a different way, as he’s becoming an adult.
…the Dad who loved Princess Milkface enough to dance with her in the rain from the time she was 6 months old and actively participate as her favorite “customer” during her cosmetology school phase when she was 4.
…the Dad who listened to the Holy Spirit’s call to add Lady M to our family, and, now that she’s been with us close to a year, talks her ear off on a regular basis, trying to feed her from the fire hose with all of the lessons and stories that have to be shared with such limited time.
I love how you intentionally pour into each kid with exactly what they need for the current season of their life. You can put a foot up a butt when they need it and love them and goof off with them all at the same time.
I love that your kids will never, ever, EVER doubt that you love them and care deeply about them, and that they can talk to you about anything.
I had high standards for the man who would be dad to my kids because my own dad left behind some pretty big shoes to fill.
Thank you for continuing to surprise me with how you exceed those expectations in how you show up for your family every single day and lead us all toward Jesus.
To the best egg smasher, family selfie taker, storyteller, card player, song lyric destroyer, dad, and husband who can make a pink bandanna and cheater glasses SO hot….
Happy Father’s Day, Honyay!!!